Should I give my
cat supplements?

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In recent years, the pet supplement industry has boomed – with a range of product options claiming
to support different functions. However, these should be approached with care and a very specific understanding of your cat’s needs.

Most cats receive all the nutrition they need from eating a complete and balanced diet.

Most complex cat foods, which have been developed to meet their dietary needs offer complete nutrition.

Moreover, cat foods developed specifically for kittens, adult cats and mature cats, are designed to ensure your cat receives the correct nutrition for their age and physical needs. As a result, the addition of a vitamin or supplement without consultation with a vet, could actually result in toxicity.

If your cat has certain health issues, or gets sick easily and often, it may be time to speak to your cat’s vet about whether supplements (or other supportive treatments) could help.


Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

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